terça-feira, 29 de abril de 2014

Open Content Program (The Getty)

See on Scoop.it - Historia e Tecnologia

The Open Content Program provides free, unrestricted access to the Getty's digital resources.


Why Open Content?

The Getty adopted the Open Content Program because we recognized the need to share images of works of art for free and without restriction, so that all those who create or appreciate art—scholars, artists, art lovers, and entrepreneurs—will have greater access to high-quality digital images for their studies and projects. Art inspires us, and imagination and creativity lead to artistic expressions that expand knowledge and understanding. The Getty sincerely hopes that people will use the open content images for a wide range of activities and that they will share the fruits of their labors with others.


What's in Open Content?

Currently, there are more than 87,000 images from the J. Paul Getty Museum and the Getty Research Institute available through the Open Content Program, including more than 72,000 from the Research Institute's Foto Arte Minore archive, which features photographs of the art and architecture of Italy over 30 years by German photographer and scholar Max Hutzel (1913–1988). Other images include paintings, drawings, manuscripts, photographs, antiquities, sculpture, decorative arts, artists' sketchbooks, watercolors, rare prints from the 16th through the 18th century, and 19th-century architectural drawings of cultural landmarks. Over time, images from the Getty Conservation Institute will be added, as well as more images from the J. Paul Getty Museum and the Getty Research Institute.



Armando's insight:

Open Content Program (The Getty) 

See on www.getty.edu

sábado, 12 de abril de 2014

Web Literacy Learning Pathways

See on Scoop.it - Historia e Tecnologia

A remix of Laura Hilliger's original work on pre-requisite and next steps for Web Literacy learning pathways.

Armando's insight:

Web Literacy Learning Pathways

See on dajbelshaw.makes.org

History vs. Vladimir Lenin

See on Scoop.it - Historia e Tecnologia

"View full lesson on TED-ED": 


Vladimir Lenin overthrew Russian Czar Nicholas II and founded the Soviet Union, forever changing the course of Russian politics. But was he a hero who toppled an oppressive tyranny or a villain who replaced it with another? Alex Gendler puts this controversial figure on trial, exploring both sides of a nearly century-long debate.

Armando's insight:

History vs. Vladimir Lenin

See on www.youtube.com

Recursos para ilustrar tus proyectos elearning de forma legal y gratis! (o casi...) - A todo training

See on Scoop.it - Historia e Tecnologia

El componente gráfico de un proyecto elearning es de gran importancia para el resultado final. La producción de contenidos elearning puede moverse entre el extremo de la especialización de tareas (un gran equipo, cada quien dedicado a lo suyo) hasta el productor generalista, heredero del renacimiento que sabe de todo un poco. Independiente del rango de presupuesto que manejemos es la creatividad la que nos será útil a la hora de ilustrar de la mejor manera nuestro proyectos. Existen en la red una gran variedad de recursos que facilitan esta tarea. Compartimos esta lista elaborada por 10 formas  que sin duda […

Armando's insight:

Recursos para ilustrar tus proyectos elearning de forma legal y gratis! (o casi...) - A todo training

See on www.atodotraining.com

El niño que consiguió escapar de un tren de Auschwitz

See on Scoop.it - Historia e Tecnologia

Nos llevaban como ganado. No había comida, ni agua. No había asientos por lo que todos estaban sentados o tumbamos en el suelo. Estaba muy oscuro. Había una luz pálida que entraba por un orificio de ventilación en el techo, pero el aire era sofocante."

Armando's insight:

El niño que consiguió escapar de un tren de Auschwitz

See on historiasdelahistoria.com

Un sarcófago de 3.300 años, descubierto en el norte de Israel

See on Scoop.it - Historia e Tecnologia

El hallazgo constata el poder que los faraones tenían en el valle de Jezreel, vía natural de comunicación con la actual Siria

Armando's insight:

Un sarcófago de 3.300 años, descubierto en el norte de Israel

See on cultura.elpais.com

9 Signs That Neuroscience Has Entered the Classroom - Online Universities

See on Scoop.it - Historia e Tecnologia

We still have a long way to go in understanding the science of learning, but neuroscience is already changing the classroom for the better.

Armando's insight:

9 Signs That Neuroscience Has Entered the Classroom - Online Universities

See on www.onlineuniversities.com

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Quem sou

Sou professor de História, licenciado pela FLU do Porto e pós-graduado em Informática Educacional. Mestre em Ciências da Educação com tese de investigação sobre a aplicação do Moodle à História. Sou um confesso adepto da aplicação das novas tecnologias ao processo educativo e formador creditado pelo CCPFC, na aplicação das novas tecnologias ao ensino – aprendizagem da História. Sou formador na área da informática e da didática que tem procurado partilhar e divulgar boas práticas no âmbito da formação docente um pouco por todo o país. Quando sobra tempo publico artigos científicos em diversas publicações e congressos.